A Protect Minnesota membership grants you access to special speakers, members only events, programmatic updates, and real-time action alerts. To become a member, please email [email protected] with the subject heading “Membership Application.”
An effective social movement succeeds because of engaged individuals. We need your help changing the narrative around gun violence. Choose one or all of the following options:
Be Our Voice: share our social media posts.
Host an Event: Invite us to your house of worship, community group, or professional association. To schedule a speaker email [email protected].
Our work relies solely on donations by Minnesotans so all donations, no matter how small, help us continue to create a safer Minnesota. Here are simple ways to help sustain our mission:
Host a virtual Faceboook fundraiser. Contact [email protected] for directions on how host a fundraiser.
Host an intimate get together for your family and friends. Protect Minnesota will provide speakers and resources to help keep Minnnesotans safe. To schedule an event, please contact [email protected].