Take Action

The NRA protects gun manufacturers but who PROTECTS US? Help us show our legislators, our neighbors, and the NRA that WE MATTER.


Become a Member

A Protect Minnesota membership grants you access to special speakers, members only events, programmatic updates, and real-time action alerts. To become a member, please email [email protected] with the subject heading “Membership Application.”

A group of Protect Minnesota volunteers.
A picture of a table holding information about Protect Minnesota.


Protect Minnesota offers a variety of volunteer opportunities throughout the year. We currently have the following opportunities available:

  • Board of Directors – Treasurer
  • Data Entry Volunteer

To apply to our current volunteer opportunities, please email [email protected].

Share Our Message

An effective social movement succeeds because of engaged individuals. We need your help changing the narrative around gun violence. Choose one or all of the following options:

  • Be Our Voice: share our social media posts.
  • Host an Event: Invite us to your house of worship, community group, or professional association. To schedule a speaker email [email protected].
A Protect Minnesota volunteer standing next to a person in a bear costume.
A group of people outside raising funds for a cause.

Fundraise for the Movement

Our work relies solely on donations by Minnesotans so all donations, no matter how small, help us continue to create a safer Minnesota. Here are simple ways to help sustain our mission:

  • Host a virtual Faceboook fundraiser. Contact [email protected] for directions on how host a fundraiser.


Host an intimate get together for your family and friends. Protect Minnesota will provide speakers and resources to help keep Minnnesotans safe. To schedule an event, please contact [email protected].

Protect Minnesota Advocacy event outdoors with attendees.

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