In the wake of the devastating shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, we are featuring an educator this month. Joanna Prosser is a dedicated teacher and Protect Minnesota volunteer who worries about the effect school shootings and active shooter drills have on her students. Here are her answers to our questions….
Why is preventing gun violence so important to you?
As an educator and parent, I feel called to work towards reducing gun violence in our children’s world. I have dedicated my life to supporting the growth, development, and potential in the youth of my community. I put my efforts in a place that works towards building brighter and safer spaces for all individuals to meet their best potential.
What makes you most excited about volunteering for Protect Minnesota?
I am thrilled to be working alongside the Protect Minnesota organization. The individuals I have met through Protect Minnesota have shown their sincere intentions to be a part of a positive movement towards creating a safer world.
Describe an experience as a Protect Minnesota volunteer that was very meaningful to you?
I had the honor of sitting on a panel after the Gutherie Theater’s viewing of the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting documentary, Newtown. The stories that I heard from other members on the panel inspired me to make a commitment towards being an advocate for gun free schools. I am looking forward future opportunities to work with Protect Minnesota.
What would you say to other teachers and educators about why it’s important to engage in Protect Minnesota’s work?
As a teacher, I have witnessed school lock down drills evolve into regular trainings as shootings continue to reach all corners of our world. My heart aches every time I lead a drill and strategize with my students through different lock down scenarios. The teaching profession strives to identify and meet the needs of our students. As time passes and more lives have been lost by senseless gun violence, the teacher in me sees a need and I want to be a part of the solution that aides this desperate issue. I believe that education can be an effective weapon to fight against the cruelty of gun violence.
Many thanks to Joanna — and ALL our amazing volunteers!